Luxury shopping in Barcelona
The places where the best luxury escorts in Barcelona usually do their shopping in fashion brands and luxury items, an ideal walk with an escort
Trampling: the art of stepping and dominating with the feet in BDSM
Trampling is a BDSM practice that involves one person stepping or standing on another. Know their types and how to practice this game of Domination and submission.
Tickling: the aphrodisiac power of erotic tickling
Ticking or erotic tickling is a practice with fetishistic connotations that can serve to liven up the couple's sexual life. Know its benefits.
Rooms by hours for meetings of couples and lovers
Hourly rooms for intimate encounters are a good option for lovers and couples. Learn about the advantages, comforts and services of a Love Hotel.
The Spanish celebrities with the most followers: who are they?
Who are the famous Spanish celebrities with the most followers? Meet the most famous actresses, presenters, singers, athletes, vloggers and influencers in Spain.
Latin women: the reasons for their beauty and sensuality
Latin women are some of the sexiest in the world. Because? Learn the reasons for the beauty, charm and sensuality of Latin American girls.
Brazilian women: tropical sensuality, beauty and exoticism
Why are Brazilian women considered among the most beautiful on the planet? Why is a Brazilian girl sexy? Know the answer to these questions.
Russian escorts: Eastern charm in Barcelona and Madrid
Russian escorts stand out for their charm and sweetness. Meet a Russian escort in Barcelona or Madrid and have an unforgettable experience. Don't treat them like luxury whores
How to practice safe sex? STDs and condom use
How to practice safe sex? Sexual protection is the answer. The use of condoms reduces the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs.
Strap-on sex: how to choose and use a sexual harness?
What is a strap-on? We explain what a sexual harness is, what types exist and we give you some basic advice on how to use a strapon.