Mobile Word Congress , Expohogar, Graphispag, EcoSalud, Barcelona Building Construmat, Automobile Barcelona, ITMA, Caravaning ... There are undoubtedly many international trade fairs and exhibitions held in Barcelona. The theme of the same is very varied: gastronomy, mobile communication, real estate, construction, tourism ... And the same thing that happens with Barcelona happens with Madrid. IFEMA, the Madrid Trade Fair, organizes every year countless events, conferences, salons, etc. We will only mention a few: 1001 Weddings, Look Lounge, SIMA, Empack, Vendibérica, Fitur ...
The celebration of a trade fair , a congress or a hall dedicated to any branch of industry or commerce always implies, for a city, a significant injection of money and, of course, the arrival of a host of professionals of different types to it.
Those of us who live in one of these cities are used to seeing many of those people who attend such events in order to see the latest developments in the sector they are professionally engaged in. Those of us who live in Barcelona , Madrid or any city accustomed to holding trade fairs have a trained eye and can easily distinguish these professionals. They roam the street, try to find their way through the corridors of the subway and consult brochures and catalogs with the eyes of insomniacs as they shine, hanging around their necks, the card that accredits them as commercials, speakers, specialized journalists, etc.
The life of those who attend professional events at this type of event is not easy. Fairs, in a way, stun and exhaust. There are many meetings, there are many greetings, many cards, flyers or catalogs that are given and received, many hands that shake, many words that are heard, many hours that one must stand, focusing the five senses in what one is told or shown. And all that, in addition, must be lived far from home, far from the refuge that is always, for a person, his home. And it is that, as he already sang, hotels, elegant or functional or postmodern as they are, are sad by nature. They are cold. And, considering all this, does a person who has been working so many hours away from home deserve to spend the night alone in a soulless hotel room in an unknown city and, very probably, very far from his own?
If we are moderately human and sympathetic (that which is now called being empathetic), our answer to the previous question can only be negative. No one deserves that coldness after a day of hard work. Nobody who has passed such a working day deserves to be awarded, at the end of this, with the medal of loneliness. Luckily for professionals who attend a trade fair, a professional salon or a congress on any subject, something must always be kept in mind that, perhaps, out of ignorance, many of them ignore: that is, those professionals, those agents commercials, those lecturers, those occasional visitors to the fair in question will always have a resource at their fingertips to alleviate the coldness of the hotel room and alleviate that feeling of loneliness that can befall them within the four walls of the hotel.
And it is that these professionals, at the end of their workday, count or can always count (if that is their wish) with the help of some night angels who, beautiful and compassionate, sensual and empathetic, can alleviate that feeling of loneliness and give that hotel room all the warmth it needs to truly become a home, the ideal place in which the warrior, at last, can deservedly rest while waiting for the arrival of a new day.
Those angels of the night, saviors and implicates, are the escorts , escort girls who always know what a man needs to feel good and relieve himself of all his stress. Those angels of the night, the luxury call-girls , not only know how to give a man, physically, what that man needs to feel relieved all the sexual tension that can accumulate. They also know, and that is what these high-class erotic escorts stand out over any other type of sex worker, to give their client a comprehensive accompaniment. And comprehensive accompaniment involves providing a pleasant and, at the same time, intelligent conversation to that client. The escort will accompany that professional who has gone to a fair to dine, to the theater, to any place of leisure where he, at last, can take off the symbolic and heavy tie of work to immerse himself in what, simply, it is the Life written in capital letter.
Because life, to receive that name and honor it as it deserves, cannot be based solely and exclusively on ora et labora. "Let's work", yes, because it is necessary to do it; but let's combine this work with the carpe diem, that is, with the "enjoy the moment". Doing so is essential to ensure that life lives up to its name. If not, what would life consist of? What would separate it from the lack of heartbeats that characterizes death?
And it is there, in the implementation of the carpe diem, where the escorts have a lot to say. Why? Because they know better than anyone what it is to enjoy the moment, because they are experts in providing a man with one of those moments in which the sight seems to blur but in which the eyes of the mind check to what extent it can be satisfactory life and intense pleasure when it is pursued in the arms of one of these spectacular and dedicated women.
Beautiful, sensual, provocative, carnal, lustful, fiery ... luxury call-girls are specialized in turning any corner, even a soulless hotel room, into a little paradise. And it is that the luxury prostitutes, those angels of the night who patrol her as only dreams can, are always ready to lower the flag to make any man the absolute protagonist of the most torrid sexual adventure you can imagine.
So, you already know: if you have come to Barcelona or Madrid for work reasons and, after a hard working day, you feel a heavy discomfort at having to return to the icy and impersonal atmosphere of your hotel, rebel, think about the physical and mental advantages of the carpe diem and give the room where you sleep that warm and human touch that only a beautiful luxury escort can provide.
Holding in your arms a beautiful, intelligent and cultured company lady, feeling at the fingertips the soft and warm touch of her skin, intoxicating you with the aphrodisiac elixir of her lips and basking in the waves that mark her hips when, naked, you indulge in the pleasures of sex, you will feel at home. What's more: you will have the feeling of finally having reached your true home, which you always dreamed of as yours. Or, appropriately said, who, after many hours of work, finishes their odyssey, you will have the feeling of having reached your dream Ithaca.