Having sex voluntarily and freely is always fun. But for the sexual practice to be perfect, it must meet a requirement: it must be safe. In this article we are going to talk about the concept of safe sex and the steps that must be followed to practice it.
The concept of safe sex is directly associated with the term protection. Protection against what? Against STDs or sexually transmitted diseases.
We are going to talk about them in this post. We will mention the most important ones, we will explain how they are transmitted, we will talk about the factors that increase the possibility of contracting or transmitting an STD and, finally, we will give a series of basic tips on how to maintain safe sexual practices .
safe sex against STDs
STDs are also called Sexually Transmitted Infections or STIs. These include:
- Genital herpes.
- Chlamydia.
- Gonorrhea.
- Genital warts.
- Syphilis.
- Hepatitis.
- HIV.
- Human papillomavirus (HPV).
These infections are transmitted through vaginal intercourse but also orally or anally. Some STIs, such as HIV or hepatitis B, can also be spread without having to have intimate contact, simply by having contact with certain fluids or tissues of an infected person.
Vaginal or anal sex without a condom can spread chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, HIV, hepatitis B, crabs or pubic lice, human scabies, trichomoniasis, genital warts, and HPV.
Diseases that can infect the lips, mouth, and throat after unprotected oral sex include chlamydia, hepatitis B, syphilis, herpes, gonorrhea, and human papillomavirus. To practice safe oral sex , then, we must resort to the use of condoms.
Finally, simple skin contact, without fluids involved, can cause the transmission of herpes, syphilis, HPV, genital warts, and crabs.
Given the diseases called venereal diseases in other times and their form of transmission, we are going to see what factors increase the risk of contagion.
Factors that increase the spread of STDs
On many occasions, the transmission of an STI occurs because the person who transmits it does not even know that he has it, since there are not always symptoms.
There are several factors that increase the probability of transmission of a disease of these characteristics. These factors are the following:
- Having multiple sexual partners.
- Consuming alcohol or drugs before or during the act.
- Have unprotected sex.
- Having previously had an STD.
- Having had sexual relations with a person who suffers from any of the aforementioned diseases.
Undoubtedly, it is important to know the state of sexual health of the person with whom we have intimate relationships, but that is not always possible.
So, how can we reduce the risk of contagion? Or, put another way, how to practice safe sex or, at least, "safer"? Following the advice that we are going to give in the next section.
How to practice safe sex?
To limit as much as possible the possibility of infecting or being infected with an STI, you must give up unprotected sex .
Sexual protection is the basis on which safe and synonymous sex is based and the maximum symbol of said protection is the condom or condom.
The condom is not only used to prevent unwanted pregnancies. It is also the most effective barrier against most STDs. To do this, however, it is necessary to use the condom correctly. What does that mean?
Using a condom correctly means:
- That it is not expired.
- That it is well placed.
- That it is set from the beginning to the end of the intimate relationship.
- That if lubricants are used, they are water-based.
Condoms reduce but do not eliminate the chances of contagion. It must be borne in mind that STIs can be transmitted by contact with areas of skin around the genitals and these areas, logically, condoms do not cover them.
Beyond the proper use of condoms, there are a number of tips that should also be taken into account. Those tips are as follows:
- Do gynecological check-ups regularly. Once a year in the case of young women is, in principle, sufficient.
- Communicate with the couple with whom you have an intimate relationship and get to know each other well.
If the advice given in this article is followed, the chances of being infected with a sexually transmitted disease will be significantly reduced. "Zero risk" does not exist when it comes to sexual intercourse and the possibility of contracting an STD, but as in everything that has to do with health, prevention is essential. Betting on sexual protection is always a smart bet.