By now in the game, almost everyone knows that the acronym BDSM encompasses a series of practices including Bondage , Domination / submission and sadomasochism. The first of these erotic practices is based on the immobilization of the couple's body by ropes. When this immobilization is carried out following very specific techniques and aesthetic criteria, the practice of these ties is called Shibari .
The erotic tie ('shibari' literally means "tie") is an art of Japanese origin. Closely related to it (in fact it is sometimes used as a synonym) we find the term 'kinbaku', which would translate as something like "tightly bound".
Whether we call it one way or another, the art of erotic bondage has clearly Japanese characteristics. Why? Because the creative use of strings is something inherent to Japanese culture. Knots, for example, have a very strong presence in Shinto religion. The shibari knots , thus, would do nothing but follow the tradition of a millenary culture that had turned the ropes, also and over a long period of time, into a method of torture.
It was with time when the use of the ropes was acquiring a more sensual air and in an element of great utility in the erotic games of Domination and submission. The brutality turned into pleasure and what used to cause pain was now going to serve to stimulate certain erogenous zones of the human body.
Erotic bondage: an act of sensual domination
And it is that this type of practice, beyond capturing in a completely visual way an act of domination (which also), pursues an aesthetic and sensual effect. The ropes press on sensitive points and erogenous zones of the body of the tied person, who, thus, can feel like the recipient of a very special hug.
Psychologists speak of the extent to which very powerful and at the same time contradictory psychological effects occur in the consciousness of the tied person. Along with that feeling of hug coexists a feeling of helplessness that produces an intense adrenaline rush.
Lovers of this type of practice talk about fighting, dancing, dancing, dramatization ... That is why many photographers have decided to make shibari a fundamental part of their artistic work. The most prominent among them all is Nobuyoshi Araki, a classic of the genre. To observe his work is to contemplate authentic works of art in which the erotic tie reaches its maximum expressiveness.
Shibari Strings
This type of binding requires the use of very specific ropes. The strings for shibari should be made of vegetable fiber. The materials that are mainly used to make them are hemp and jute, but coconut, flax, cotton or rice are also used.
Why are these materials chosen? There are several answers to this question, but the most widespread is that the shibari strings made with these materials are easier to handle and cause sensations more in line with the philosophy of this practice.
As they are made of vegetable fiber, the strings must be hydrated. This facilitates their handling (they will slide better) and prolongs their useful life. To hydrate them, neither beeswax nor other fats of animal origin are recommended. It is always better to use, for example, jojoba oil or some type of cream that contains it.
The maintenance of a rope of this type and its cleaning is essential to guarantee its performance. A good way to wash them is to put them with a cover in the washing machine and use a gentle and short program. To wash them, it is essential to use only cold water, without using any type of detergent.
Once washed, they must be dried on tension, in a ventilated place and protected from the sun. It is important that the strings are taut while they dry, otherwise they run the risk of slackening.
Once dry, you have to know how to store them. Hanging them from a pole in a cool, ventilated place protected from sunlight is best. In no case should they be kept in a plastic bag. If it is done, it is very likely that they will end up growing mold.
Shibari technique
Before practicing the Japanese erotic bondage, it must always be borne in mind that, like all BDSM practice, the games that are performed must be completely agreed between the Dominant and the submissive part and their limits must be completely defined. If you type in Google the expression shibari tutorial, you will see that this principle is included in all the tutorials that deal with this type of practice.
In these texts, shibari techniques are discussed, a series of types of ties are named, how they are performed, and a series of basic recommendations that have to do primarily with safety are given.
And it is that a malpractice can cause abrasions and even injuries in muscular tissues, nerves and joints (especially when total or partial suspensions are carried out).
To minimize this risk, a fluid and sincere communication must be established between the person who ties and the person who is tied. Precautions should be taken when the tied person lacks experience, has circulation or cardiorespiratory problems, or has low blood pressure. Regularly checking the condition of your limbs and having blunt-tipped scissors on hand to quickly cut the rope in an emergency are two good ways to ensure safety during the practice of erotic bondage.